Vika Borja- Mami religiosa – Parte 2 (01/Jun/21)
Su hijastro se la coge en la misma cama en la que su marido está profundamente dormido. La familia está de viaje. Sin poder llegar a su destino antes del anochecer, ellos tienen que pernoctar en un motel en el que solo hay una habitación disponible con una sola cama. Padre, madrastra e hijo tienen que compartirla. Ellos son buenos religiosos y encomiendan sus almas al Señor antes de dormir. Pero tan pronto como el padre se duerme, el joven muchacho y su madrastra caen presas de la lujuria.
Religious Step-Mother – Part 2
Her stepson fucks her in the same bed where her husband is fast asleep. The family is on a trip. Unable to reach their destination before dark, they have to spend the night in a motel, in which there is only one room available with a single bed. Father, stepmother, and son have to share it. They are good religious, and they commend their souls to the Good Lord before going to sleep. But as soon as the father falls asleep, the young boy and his stepmother can’t resist the temptation.
Jun 01, 2021