Emily Thorne – Especial de Halloween – Cuento de terror – Robot rusa (30/Oct/21)
A partir de unos planos que robó a sus colegas rusos, este científico loco creó una hermosa mujer robot a la cual renta para todo tipo de servicios, generalmente, servicios de cáracter sexual. Sin embargo, la bella androide, se está hartando de ser explotada y más tarde que temprano va a arremeter contra los humanos.
Halloween special – A horror story – Russian robot
Based on a blueprint that he stole from his Russian colleagues, this mad scientist created a beautiful robot woman whom he rents for all kinds of services, generally, services of a sexual nature. However, the beautiful android is getting fed up with that kind of exploitation, and sooner than later, she’s going to lash out at humans.
Oct 30, 2021